お好み焼き 鉄板焼き ねぎ庵 流川店

  • Address
    広島県広島市中区三川町9-22 第2KTビル 2F
  • Traffic access
    After getting off at Kokucho Densetsu, walk straight along the road with Seven until Mikawa Town No. 8.Go straight on towards Peace Boulevard and turn right before the mountain.
  • Business hours
    Mon~Thu: 17:00~2:00 the next day (Food LO 1:00 the next day, Drink LO 1:30 the next day) Fridays, Saturdays, and days before holidays: 17:00~3:00 the next day (Food LO 2:00 the next day, Drink LO 2:30 the next day) Sundays and holidays: 17:00~23:30 (Food LO 22:30 Drink LO 23:00)
  • Regular holiday